Watch stories of LGBT+ people, parents, and pastors impacted by Equip over the past decade.

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What Does Giving to Equip Empower?

You’re probably familiar with the free practical resources Equip offers leaders, personal testimonies on our Blog, our complimentary parent conversation guides, Equip’s 10+ free video seminars, our exclusive content for ministering to LGB Christian women, Equip’s on-demand Virtual Course, and “Christian Parenting in Sex-Obsessed Culture”—the only comprehensive content on the market for talking to kids ages 2-12 about God’s wisdom for everyone’s sexual stewardship.

But behind the scenes, Equip is first focused on helping churches become places where gay people thrive according to God’s wisdom through our signature Blueprint Process. We help church leaders cast a vision for ministry at their church and customize a strategy for realizing their vision. Then we partner with churches long-term to help them implement their Equip Blueprint.

Learn more about what an Equip Blueprint is and why every church needs one.

Implementing an Equip Blueprint is a three to five year process of detailing a church’s theology and policies, garnering buy-in from leaders and influential members, training leaders to provide pastoral care, developing intentional Christian community, coaching parents, educating teens, and teaching Christians of all ages to think wisely about God-honoring sexual stewardship. 

Careful and patient implementation takes 100s of hours of coaching and training for Equip. Yet once a church commits to implementing their Equip Blueprint, we commit to offering that three to five years of ongoing coaching and training for free.

That’s right. Hours of valuable coaching and training for free.

Why? Because pastors and Christian leaders already face enough barriers to becoming churches where gay people thrive according to God’s wisdom. We don’t want money to be another barrier. Deep transformation of churches is the best way to love gay people better, and Equip will do whatever it takes to help courageous churches get there.

But how? How can Equip afford to offer this ongoing coaching and training for free?!

People like you partner with Equip financially so that we can help the churches most committed to the work become places where gay people can thrive according to a historic sexual ethic.

That’s only possible because of your giving.

So first, thank you. Thank you to everyone in the Equip family who gives financially, serves with us in our communities, and prays for our work. We could not do this work without you.

Second, please continue giving. We want to help more churches do the long-term work necessary to become churches where gay people can thrive according to God’s teachings. But we can’t do that without your support. If you’ve never given before, please consider giving today. If you’ve provided a one-time gift before, consider becoming an Equip Builder by setting up a recurring donation—recurring donors are the foundation of our ministry. And if you’re a recurring donor, consider increasing your donation amount.

Donate for the first time or increase your recurring donation here.

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