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Learn about God’s love and wisdom for those navigating gender incongruence.

Scroll for three ways to engage with Equip’s Gender Incongruence Course

1. Learn

Get on-demand access to Equip’s Gender Incongruence Course for just $50. On your own or in a group, you can watch all course sessions led by Jesse, reflect and discuss using course handouts, and review what you’ve learned with detailed notes.

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2. Read

Not ready to jump in just yet? Read samples of “Understanding Gender Incongruence & Caring for Trans* People” on Equip’s Blog, including articles about pronouns and name changes, who trans* people are in God’s eye, and suicide prevention.

Explore Articles
3. Give

Help us raise $8,000 to provide parents-in-need with scholarship access to Equip’s Gender Incongruence Course and reach more churches in 2023. Your support ensures money is never a barrier to parents and pastors getting the resources they need.


About the Course

Course Objectives and Content

“Understanding Gender Incongruence & Caring for Trans* People” is a 4-session course that (1) helps Christian leaders and parents think empathetically and theologically about gender incongruence and (2) equips Christian leaders and parents to offer God’s love and wisdom to trans* people.

  • Session 1: Empathize with the stories of people navigating gender incongruence and ground conversation in shared terminology
  • Session 2: Examine passages of Scripture often cited in conversations about gender ethics and explore how Equip invites Christian leaders and pastors to think theologically about ministering to trans* people
  • Session 3: Survey alternate Christian and non-Christian perspectives on gender ethics and learn how you can better care for those navigating gender incongruence in your churches and families
  • Session 4: Learn how to care for kids and teens who share about incongruence and consider a series of case studies spanning a range of scenarios you might encounter

About Jesse White

Equip’s Gender Incongruence Content Specialist

Photograph of Jesse White

Jesse began working with Equip in the fall of 2022. A graduate from the College at Southeastern in 2021 with a Bachelors in Global Studies, Jesse is currently working on a Master’s in Marriage and Family Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Once graduating with an LMFT, Jesse wants to focus on abuse and trauma therapy and then practice counseling as a missionary in Southeast Asia (hopefully Thailand or Cambodia).

Alongside working with Equip, Jesse started a support group for sexual and gender minorities at a local church and offered training and equipping opportunities to the broader congregation on how to better engage people outside the church who share these experiences.

Jesse is driven by a desire for other sexual and gender minorities to experience God’s love. Despite years of hurt and abuse from former churches, Jesse has undeniably seen God’s faithfulness through the church and wants to continue to better equip the church to care well for the hurting and broken.

Jesse’s preferred pronouns are he/they. To learn more about Jesse’s pronoun preference and why Equip practices pronoun hospitality, read this article on Equip’s Blog.

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(615) 787-8205