Learn using over 40 different videos and articles, including a 16-video series with customized handouts for parents and pastors.
For just $50, Christian leaders can deepen their understanding and skills at their own pace with one-year access to this powerful resource.
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Parents and pastors can get one-year access to this dynamic resource for just $50. Can’t afford access but need this powerful course? Please request a scholarship!
Access includes technical support from an Equip Team Member. Note: This content is not meant to be a replacement for in-person coaching from a trained expert. Email us at info@equipyourcommunity.org with any questions.
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“My husband and I watched the videos and read your articles. We often wonder what it would have been like if our church (and we as parents) had been better educated about what our daughter was going through in middle school and high school…how we wish she could have felt safe with us and in our church to talk to someone without fear and misunderstanding….to be parents and church members who had learned how to offer a listening ear and walk with her on her journey. We simply didn’t know how much we didn’t know. We really like the way you explain things and your easy-going manner. We truly believe there are many believers out there who wish they could learn these things and reach out in love to LGBT+ believers and unbelievers alike…developing deep friendships over time that are life-giving to all involved.”
“Props for developing empathetic but also clear, challenging, and bold content.  This content continued to broaden my language, understanding, and knowledge in these areas.  It continued to strengthen my awareness of some of the deeper conversations within this topic.  I also feel more comfortable engaging some tough conversations thanks in large part to this content.”
“Definitely would recommend this course. This is well-thought-out, well-researched, and the personal stories had a powerful impact. This has been so well done and could provide more context to a topic where the church is all over the place. Anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of this topic and wants to know how to walk with people lovingly could benefit from this content. Plus, this never comes off as an argument that you’ve set out to win. This ALWAYS comes off as trying to equip pastors, leaders, and friends to love people well and walk with people well who may have questions or feel on the outside. It is a loving attempt to equip others to walk through something complex and difficult – to prevent pain, to initiate healing, to fight brokenness, and to lift up the marginalized.”
(615) 787-8205
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