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Lead your children in conversation about sex, sexuality, and gender with Equip’s on-demand Parent Course

NEW! Equip’s Parent Course now includes recordings of our most popular parent-focused webinars!

Many Christian parents hesitate to talk to their young kids about sexuality. We’ve developed Equip’s Parent Course titled “Kids + Sexual Stewardship” to

  1. Equip parents of kids ages 2-12 with a deep familiarity with God’s wisdom for sexual stewardship for all people

  2. Provide practical guides for age-appropriate conversation with kids, broken down by age group

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Check out Equip’s Parent Conversation Starters


This 12-session course covers the following topics:

  1. How has God made each of us for intimacy in the context of family?
  2. What are God’s good designs for vocational singleness and Christian marriage?
  3. How can parents have proactive conversations about sexual stewardship for all people?
  4. How can parents respond to the cultural elements surrounding sexual stewardship: pornography, teen pregnancy, kids’ media, gay marriage, and more?
  5. How can parents share God’s love and wisdom for gay people?
  6. What are God’s good designs for gender and biological sex?

Click below to get access to the on-demand Parent Course today!

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What parents are saying

100% of parents surveyed said they gained deeper understanding using the course.

Parent Testimonials

“Understanding the biblical support for committed singleness and Christian marriage for the kingdom was valuable and challenging—it helped me see all the potential outcomes for my children and grandchildren.”

Vanessee from Tennessee
Grandmother of Two Boys

“The vocational singleness conversation was 100% new to us and it’s changing how we pray and how we talk to our young boys.”

Katie and Scott from California
Parents of Young Boys

“It is very evident that hours and hours of research and prayer have been put into this course.”

Brian from Indiana
Father of an LGBT+ Young Adult

“I had zero knowledge of how to talk to my kids about these things before I took this course. Now I feel so much more confident.”

Leelee from California
Mom of Four Young Children

“This content is so needed by parents everywhere. It is thoroughly researched and well thought out. I would recommend it over and over.”

Beth from Virginia
Childcare Volunteer at Her Local Church

“This Course totally reshaped my understanding of sin versus brokenness and allowed more ‘gray’ in with how my kids will relate to conversations around being gay and around vocational singleness.”

Pam from California
Grandmother of Four Children

“This course raises such important questions for parents to be engaged with and informed about. Every Christian parent needs to go through this course.”

Stephen from Florida
Dad of Four Youngsters and Former Youth Pastor
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(615) 787-8205