Watch stories of LGBT+ people, parents, and pastors impacted by Equip over the past decade.

Contact us


Our Mission

Equip is the premier consulting and training solution for churches aspiring to be places where gay Christians thrive for a lifetime according to a traditional sexual ethic.

Sponsor one time training

Provide a one-time training to Christian leaders at a church, campus ministry, or Christian university to transform their community into a place where gay people thrive in a traditional sexual ethic.

Give $50 a Month

Sponsor monthly pastor coaching

Many pastors feel alone and under-resourced. Support our free monthly coaching to prepare pastors with the understanding and tools to better minister to gay people in their communities.

Give $100 a Month

Sponsor church Blueprint

Using our Blueprint Process, your gift will help local churches identify the needs of their community, cast a vision for life-giving ministry to LGBT+, and develop a careful strategy to become a thriving community.

Give $500 a Month

Choose your own contribution

Ready to take the first step towards equipping your church to better care for gay people?

Choose an amount
Choose an amount

Equip is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to whom contributions are tax-exempt.
You can mail donations to 402 Lorna Drive, Nashville, TN 37214.

Five ways to volunteer

Serve with us to further the mission of Equip and better reflect the love of Jesus to LGBT+ people in our community. Email our Volunteer Engagement Director with questions at


Join the prayer team

Get monthly prayer requests from Equip about upcoming trainings, development initiatives, and the LGBT+ people we do this work for. Plus, get invites to our quarterly prayer gatherings. Click below to join the Prayer Team.

Join Team


Start conversations with friends

Host a dialogue with your friends about how the Church can better love and serve LGBT+ people using our new Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) Kit. Download the KTC Kit, connect with our KTC Coach, and start inviting your friends!

Download KTC Kit


Serve LGBT+ people

This past year we assembled snack packs for LGBT+ homeless youth in Nashville and we put together care packages for LGBT+ college students who couldn’t go home for the holidays. Sign up to get notified about opportunities like these.

Sign up to Serve


Connect Equip with your church

Get involved by connecting us with leaders at your church to explore partnership, friends that would like to volunteer with Equip, or people interested in supporting the work financially. A simple email can lead to life-changing work.

Connect Us


Help your church learn about gay pride and coming out

During June (Gay Pride Month) and September (the month before National Coming Out Day) churches will be inviting Equip to share how Christians can respond compassionately to gay pride and coming out. Check out the recording from a 2018 presentation of “Why Come Out?”, then connect us with your church to schedule an event for your members this year!

Contact Us


Connect Equip with your church

Get involved by connecting us with leaders at your church to explore partnership, friends that would like to volunteer with EQUIP, or people interested in supporting the work financially. A simple email can lead to life-changing work.

Read more

Help your church learn about gay pride and coming out

During June (Gay Pride Month) and September (the month before National Coming Out Day) churches will be inviting EQUIP to share how Christians can respond compassionately to gay pride and coming out. Check out the recording from Why Come Out? 2018. Then connect us with your church to schedule an event for your members this year!


Ready to take the first step towards equipping your church to better care for gay people?
Set up a huddle
Contact Us 
(615) 787-8205