Watch stories of LGBT+ people, parents, and pastors impacted by Equip over the past decade.

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How we help

We Help You Make a Plan

Equip is an extension of your team

Pastors try to speak carefully about LGBT+ topics according to a traditional sexual ethic, but conversations about these topics are fraught with landmines. How can you help everyone in your church thrive according to God’s good and weighty wisdom?

The Equip team leverages decades of personal and professional experience to walking step-by-step with church leaders, anticipate risks, develop a careful strategy customized for your church, and get real results through a long-lasting partnership. In addition to equipping Christian leaders to better care for gay people according to a traditional sexual ethic and teach everyone about God’s love and wisdom for gay people, Equip takes it a step further. We help churches prevent the wounds of the closet, raise the bar for everyone’s sexual stewardship, and ensure that vocational singles find lifelong family, not loneliness. How? Through the Blueprint Process.

The Blueprint Process

Our Primary Offering

The Huddle

Pastors are overwhelmed and alone—afraid to say or do the wrong thing but pressured from all sides to take action. Meet with Pieter free of charge to share your stories and gain confidence—you’ve got an expert on your side. Set up a huddle today. 

Setup a huddle

Craft your Blueprint

Once you’ve met with an Equip team member, walk through our core content to gain deeper understanding and skills, identify the needs in your church, and create your church’s Equip Blueprint. Read more about this step. 

Request More Info

Implement the Plan

With ongoing support from Equip, make your Blueprint goals a reality by implementing your new tools to teach and support lay leaders, parents, teens, and those who experience same-sex attraction in your church. Our long-term support.

Review Sample Plan

Have questions about the Process?
Want to see what a church Blueprint process looks like? Check out our partnership in action.

How it Works

The Blueprint Process in Action
Equip’s Blueprint Process helps churches cast a vision for ministry and outline a strategy to become a church where gay people can belong and thrive according to a traditional sexual ethic. Then partner with Equip longterm to implement your Blueprint.

Read more

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Download Partnership Packet



We’ll take 8-10 leaders from your church through Equip’s core content to deepen their understanding and skills for ministry.



Through our 12.5 hour process (spread over five session) leaders will identify needs in your church for better ministry to gay people.



Your church’s Blueprint will include a customized vision for your church and a step-by-step strategy to realize your vision.


The cost of Equip’s Blueprint Process is $4000 plus travel. Thanks to financial contributions from Equip supporters, the Blueprint Process is priced at only 25% of its actual cost compared to peer ministries. If your church commits to implementing your Blueprint, Equip will commit to providing ongoing consulting, training, and support for free—a $40,000 value over 5 years and an estimated 100+ hours. We fundraise so that money is never a barrier to churches investing the time and energy necessary to become churches where gay people thrive with reasonable effort according to God’s wisdom.

Ask about pricing

Looking for something different? Take your first step, or your the next step with another of Equip’s trainings and teachings.


The Results


Pastors found Equip trainings to be either effective or very effective.


Pastors feel ready to have respectful conversation about sexual ethics.


Pastors who feel better prepared to minister to sexual minorities after working with Equip.

“Equip went far beyond simple platitudes or quick fixes. Instead we encountered a wholistic approach to thinking and then responding well from a posture of both orthodoxy and empathy when it comes to sexual identity and sexual ethics. We were challenged to think more broadly and deeply about the foggy and often inconsistent ways that these ideas have been typically discussed.

Jason Pagel
Teaching Minister, Harpeth Hills Church of Christ, Nashville, TN

“The work Pieter and his team are doing at Equip comes from a place of theological soundness, therapeutic wisdom, and lived experience. Their work is worth exploring!

Laurie Krieg
Speaker & Author of An Impossible Marriage

“Equip is uniquely situated to be a voice for biblical fidelity in matters of Christian faith, church, and human sexuality. Pieter has often helped me understand the challenges of human sexuality and the possibilities for all of us to submit our sexualities to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Todd Hunter
Bishop of the Anglican Churches for the Sake of Others & Author of Deep Peace: Finding Calm in a World of Conflict and Anxiety

“There are precious few resources for gay Christians who want to live within traditional Christian sexual ethics. Equip is one of those few, and its many perspectives on celibacy, in particular, and how our churches need to devote much more loving attention to the question of how best to support and honor celibacy as a time-honored Christian calling are invaluable.

Rev. Dr. Wesley Hill
Author of Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality

“The expertise, personal attention, and theological acuity of Pieter and the Equip team are truly priceless. Their expertise, personal attention, and theological acuity are truly priceless. Their continued posture of learning, along with a multi-generational, holistic vision for the local church, give me hope for our future. I wholeheartedly encourage every local church to partner with Equip’s work.

Dr. Yucan Chiu
Pastor & Director of the Ethnos Network

“Equip is the leading voice in the church when it comes to helping LGBT+ followers of Jesus live out their lives in faithful obedience to God’s commandments. Equip creatively and expertly guides the church and its leaders to navigate the challenging terrain of honoring God’s sexual ethic while honoring the dignity of each son and daughter of God.

Rev. Dr. Greg Peters
Professor at Biola University and Nashotah House Theological Seminary

“Equip is an essential resource for Christian parents, ministers, and lay people alike. I recommend it to clients, friends, and family and am so grateful for the work Equip is doing for the body of Christ!

Dr. Julia Sadusky
Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Author of Emerging Gender Identities

“Pieter Valk and Equip are providing a crucial service to the Body of Christ in these fraught and confusing times. I commend Pieter for his bold and compassionate voice. We need that now more than ever.

Dr. Leonard Allen
Dean of Lipscomb University College of Bible & Ministry

Ready to take the first step towards equipping your church to better care for gay people? Start The Blueprint Process.

Set Up a huddle
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(615) 787-8205